Marc G. Martino is one of the most dynamic and knowledgeable patent attorneys. Marc brings an unusually large breadth of engineering and business experience in addition to the legal experience in protecting his clients’ inventions. Marc’s philosophy is to prosecute patents for his clients the same way he would prosecute patents for himself. This is because a patent by itself is not valuable. A valuable patent is just one part of a larger picture that includes a marketable product or at least a path to a marketable product with a realistic production price and profitable retail price combined with strong allowable patent claims that will survive legal challenges to protect his clients’ products from infringement. All of these are considerations Marc takes into account when servicing his clients, for the end goal of the client is to make money and not just get a patent for the sake of obtaining a patent. Marc’s straight forward approach keeps clients coming back and helps promote Orbit IP’s reputation in gaining new clients.

In addition to the law degree from Loyola Law School, Marc also has a mechanical engineering degree from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and a master’s in business administration from Pepperdine University. While most patent attorneys do have an engineering degree, few have an MBA and even fewer actually were engineers designing and developing products for major companies. Marc worked as an engineer for Boeing designing directed-energy / laser defense systems and for Raytheon Electronic Systems designing satellite imaging technologies. Furthermore, Marc has been in the inventor’s shoes developing products, in particular flying sporting goods, so he can relate to the unknown obstacles that lay ahead for a new inventor. Marc still enjoys creating products using three dimensional design software such as Creo or Solidworks. It is Marc’s extensive aerospace background and engineering work experience that allows him to understand even the most complicated inventions and how best to service his clients.

Clients rely on Marc for complicated cases because his expertise allows him to obtain patent allowances that many other patent attorneys are unable to achieve. Many mistakes can be made during the prosecution of a patent. Knowing the right arguments to make and not make during prosecution is critical in creating a strong and valuable patent that furthers the needs of the business. Marc is aggressive in seeking to optimize the scope of the patent’s protection. Too often a good patent can be ruined by taking what is offered rather than fighting for what is deserved. While prosecuting a patent, Marc also educates the clients on the patent process such that they have a better understanding of the strategies and techniques Marc is using which culminates in an educated client making better decisions to further their own business interests.

As a patent attorney Marc has worked with a diverse range of clients such as solo-inventors, large medical device manufacturers, Internet startups, athletic equipment manufacturers, combustion engine manufactures and pet good manufacturers to name just a few. Marc also deals on a regular basis with foreign counsel who trust in Marc to protect their foreign clients’ inventions here in the United States. Businesses throughout the world rely on Marc for sophisticated and insightful patent protection. We hope that you too will trust in Marc and contact Orbit IP for your intellectual property needs.

  • Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1998
  • Pepperdine University, Masters in Business Administration, 2001
  • Loyola Law School, Juris Doctor, 2005
  • Admitted to practice in the State of California
  • Registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
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